Achillea Seeds - Summer Berries
Achillea Seeds - Summer Berries
Huge range of bright and pastel shades plus bicolour. Flowers August-October. Height 60cm (2'). Popular and easy to grow late summer/autumn border plants.
Attractive to bees and other pollinators
Plant in pots, tubs or borders
First year flowering!
sowing information
For first year flowering sow from January to March in a greenhouse/indoors using a moist, seed compost, sowing thinly and evenly over the surface. Firm gently. Do not cover with compost as Achillea seeds need light to germinate. Cover the tray with a sheet of glass to retain moisture and germinate at 18-21oC (65-70oF) avoiding direct sunlight. Transplant resulting seedlings 5cm (2") apart into trays and grow on.
Acclimatise to outside conditions before planting 25-41cm (12-16") apart where the plants are to flower.