World's most populated city

It can sometimes be difficult to put statistics on a city as some people gather their statistics from only the very central region and call that the city whilst others gather their statistics from the inner central region and the smaller surrounding suburbs, encompassing it all under the heading ‘the city’.


So whilst you may find conflicting information I am focusing on the statistics of the very central area. I want to get a real feel of just how busy a highly populated city can be right in the centre of things.


Imagine you are in town in Ireland somewhere carrying your shopping bags around and you are thinking to yourself what a nightmare, all this hustle and bustle. If you are in Limerick city there are around 90,054 people. Cork city has around 190,384 people. While Dublin city is really busy with a whopping 1,024,027!


Now take one step into Shanghai, China, still carrying those shopping bags and still feeling it very busy. Take a look around you now and you will surely feel consumed in Shanghai’s population of 24,150,000.


268 times bigger than Limerick city centre.


Five times bigger than the whole population of the Republic of Ireland squeezed into one city!

Shanghai's busy streets

Shanghai is the only city in the world that is home to over 24 million people.


What is it like to live in the most populated city in the world?


Shanghai prides itself on being open to foreign ideas and investment and is a very cosmopolitan city.


It is said that residents keep their doors and windows open when they are at home so you can really hear the life of the city.


There is a very fast pace of life and the culture is to expect things not now but yesterday!


With 24 million people you might expect that traffic would be a nightmare.


The best way to navigate round Shanghai would be to use it’s Metro system. Shanghai’s Metro system is now the longest in the world. It has 364 stations and 14 different metro lines reaching to 365 miles (588 km). It’s daily ridership record was set at 11.165 million on March 11, 2016. On an average working day you would have somewhere over 10 million people literally packed into the Shanghai metro.


Compare this with the city of Dublin’s Luas system. The Luas system has 54 stations and 2 lines which reach a total length of 22.7 miles (36.5 km). An average working day will see an average of 89,000 passengers travelling on the Luas system. This is around 112 times less than the amount of passengers on an average day in Shanghai.


The weather in Shanghai is not all that different from our own here in Ireland. The winters do not get as cold with average temperatures in December and January around 4 - 8°C but they have been know to drop to zero and the cold winds can make it feel a lot colder than ground temperature.

It rains in Shanghai just as it does here although it wouldn’t rain as much. Summers in Shanghai average at about 29°C but you will very often find temperatures soaring to over 35°C.


Although the weather is very similar in Shanghai, China there are a huge amount of differences that you would have to adjust to when visiting the world’s most populated city!