Prepare Your Garden/ Greenhouse For The Cold Season
It can now be said that summer 2017 has been and gone. Much as our plants and gardens may have thrived in the sun they can still continue to grow and flourish as we look towards autumn and winter.
Autumn and winter isn’t just about survival and keeping existing plants and crops alive but now is the perfect time for planting some seeds. Pansies, Sweet Peas, Daisies and Primroses can all be planted now to be flowering in time for spring. If you are looking to replace plants and flowers in hanging baskets or flower boxes that may have already wilted Violas are a great flower that can be planted in the cold season and will flower in the cold season.
Now is the time to bring in plants that are frost sensitive and settle them in the greenhouse for the colder months. It is wise to check these plants first to ensure you are not unwittingly bringing in pests with you. Caterpillars and Aphids (plant lice) can easily be brought in if not careful.
It may be wise to start considering heating of the greenhouse now. Temperatures will start to fall in the coming weeks so it is best to remove any shading you may have in your greenhouse and allow the plants the remainder of the sunshine. Heaters are a good idea for greenhouse also. You will find Paraffin and Electric heaters available. A Paraffin heater is a much more efficient greenhouse heater although it can be slightly more smokey. Whereas an Electric greenhouse heater is a much cleaner way of heating you will require an electrical socket energy supply for them.
Predictably, wooden garden furniture will be used little in the coming colder months so it can be the clever thing to do to consider these carefully if you want them to be in the same usable condition next summer season. Pack them away under shelter of the conditions. Cleaning and oiling your garden furniture will protect it and prolong the life of the wood so it is less likely to be attacked by the cold and damp. Danish Oil is a great product for providing a water resistant seal to wood.
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