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Briwax Original - Clear 5L

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Briwax Original Wax Polish - Medium Brown 400g Previous Briwax Original Wax Polish -  Medium Brown 400g

This is the natural wood finishing treatment for all types of wood, in the home and in the workshop

  • A blend of Beeswax and Carnauba waxes to give an instant natural sheen to bare wood or wood prepared with Sanding Sealer
  • Ideal for woodcarvings and turned wood, for floors and skirtings</li> <li>Briwax cleans and protects wood, tiles, metalwork, marble and melamine etc
  • Available in Clear, which maintains the natural colour of the wood and 13 wood shades to stain and wax in one operation
  • Briwax is extensively used in the furniture industry
  • Available in Briwax Original or Briwax variations
  • Easily applied with 0000 Steel Wool, Briwax brushes or cloth
Customer Questions
Hi there, how many l I need for 65 qm? I´m looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Chris
Thank you for your query regarding the Briwax. A 5L/Kg can will cover approx. 75sqm with one coat. This will depend on how porous your wood is, the type of wood that you are applying it to and if it already has an existing finish. If it already has an existing finish then it will go a lot further.
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Briwax Original - Clear 5L
Briwax Original - Clear 5L
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