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Celtic Woodcare Restorative Polish - 500ml

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Celtic Woodcare Restorative Polish - 500ml

  • Celtic Wood Care is based on an original and secret formula, which is over 100 years old
  • Feeds the wood as it cleans
  • Polishes and revitalizes all furniture; modern, old and antique
  • Contains no harmful silicones, caustics or abrasives
  • Size: 500ml
Customer Questions
Will this product correct sun fading on oak table?
Thank you for your query. Celtic Wood Restorative Polish can help improve the appearance of your oak table by restoring its shine and reducing the visibility of minor scratches and fading. However, if the fading is significant or the finish is heavily worn, you might need to consider more intensive restoration methods, such as refinishing the table. For minor fading and surface-level issues, applying a restorative polish like Celtic Wood can be a good first step. Make sure to clean the table...
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Celtic Woodcare Restorative Polish - 500ml
Celtic Woodcare Restorative Polish - 500ml
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