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Disposable FFP2 Masks

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Disposable FFP2 Masks

The FFP2 respiratory protection mask is intended to protect the wearer from the risks of inhaling infectious agents through the air as well as those around them. This is a disposable respiratory protection device that is part of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) family. This high-protection device  was first used in the medical field but is now becoming more widespread in public life. Wearing an FFP2 mask is essential to protect caregivers during certain care procedures, during medical procedures considered risky on an infected patient or with suspected infection (Sars-Cov-2 virus, flu for example).

  • The FFP2 mask has a filtration rate greater than 94% of aerosols and dust of average size 0.6 µm.

  • The FFP2 mask is made up of 5 filter layers.

  • Its protection duration varies between 3 and 8 hours, but it is recommended not to wear it for more than 4 hours.

  • This FFP2 mask without valve is dedicated to the filtration of aerosols of approximately 0.6 µm in size and droplets.

  • Without latex, silicone or PVC,  the FFP2 mask is made of hypoallergenic materials.

  • Its aluminum nose bar ensures good support, a good seal and an ideal morphological adaptation.

  • The mask covers the nose, mouth and chin. It remains comfortable to wear.

How to put on an FFP2 mask correctly:

  • Even a short beard can limit the effectiveness of the FFP2. The closer it is to your face, the more protection it provides.

  • Disinfect your hands with a PHA (Hydroalcoholic Product).

  • Hold the mask by the ear loops. The outer side should be the one with the writing on it.

  • Pass the elastics behind the ears, making sure that the nose bar is positioned at nose level.

  • The mask must cover the nose, mouth and chin.

  • Perform a leak test: inhale and exhale sharply.

  • The mask must be evacuated of air to stick to your face.

  • Do not touch the mask once it is fitted.

  • Make sure to wash and disinfect your hands with dedicated hygiene products (antiseptic soap, SHA) if you need to touch it.

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