Herb Seed - Sorrel
Herb Seed - Sorrel
Perennial, with a sharp refreshing taste. Can be cooked in the same way as spinach, or used in soups and salads.
Average Packet Content 1200 Seeds
Hardy perennial - grows year after year
Ideal for salads and soups
Growing Information
Sow April outdoors. Prefers light rich soil and a sunny site.
Sowing Information
Sow thinly direct into finely raked, warm, moist soil at a depth of 6mm (1?4"). Germination 7-14 days. Thin seedlings to 30cm (12") between plants. Grows best in well cultivated soil in a semi-shaded position. Water well during periods of dry weather. Pick leaves regularly to encourage young, tasty new growth and remove any flower heads to increase leaf production.