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Nigella Seeds - Alien Eggs

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Scorpiurus Muricatus Seeds - Caterpillar Previous Scorpiurus Muricatus Seeds - Caterpillar
Nigella Seeds - Alien Eggs

Sowing Period: March - June            Flowering: June - October 

  • Easy to grow, brightly coloured edible flowers, followed by impressively weird seed pods that look like Alien Eggs!
  • You can also pick and dry the ‘eggs’ to use in the house as winter decorations. Height 45cm (18").
  • Sow your seeds by scattering them into weed-free soil, then rub your hand over the area to bury your seeds.
  • Your seedlings should appear in 14-30 days. When your plants are big enough to handle, move them so they are at least four kids’ hands width apart.
  • Feed every few weeks with a liquid feed once the flowers’ petals drop. You will see your funky ‘Alien Eggs’ start to grow.
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Nigella Seeds - Alien Eggs
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