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Pestclear Outdoor Pest Repeller

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Pestclear Outdoor Pest Repeller

Keep cats off your lawn !

Three frequencies to target specific pests Can repel cats, rats, dogs, badgers, rabbits, foxes etc.

Includes AC adapter & 30 ft extension lead Wall & ground mounting kits included.

  • Ultrasonic pest repeller for outdoor pests
  • Repels mice and crawling insects
  • Cannot be heard by humans or non-rodent pets
  • Separate settings for different animals
  • Covers area 75 ft x 50 ft





  • Choose an unobstructed view towards the area where pests are causing the problem.
  • Range of the motion sensor and effective range of the sound is approximately 15 metres to the front, with a 60°angle of coverage
  • Remember that the sound will be absorbed by all obstructions, including shrubbery, bushes, trees etc.
  • For best results avoid areas where the sun shines directly onto the infra red sensor (PIR)
  • Mount the product either using the rod attachment or the wall mount

Power Supply

  • The product comes with an AC/DC adapter, and a long extension lead
  • The adapter must be protected from the weather, by placing it indoors or in a watertight outdoor plug box
  • Plug the 3mm jack into the fitting marked "DC 6V" at the back of the repeller
  • To check the quality of the connection, briefly press the "TEST" button
  • The red LED will light and the p[roduct will emit an audible sound
  • If you are using the optional PRSOLAR Solar Power Kit set it up according to the instructions provided. The red LED does not light when the product is being operated on solar power

Test correct operation

  • Open the hinged panel at tyhe back of the PROUTDOOR
  • Select frequency A, and press the TEST button. You should hear a sound at 6 KHz
  • Select frequency B, and press the TEST button. You should hear a lower pitched sound, at 3 KHz
  • Select frequency C, and press the TEST button. You should hear a slightly lower sound, at 2 KHz
  • When the sound is being emitted in TEST mode, the red LED lights up

Select Frequency

  • Most animals have a wide hearing range, but the frequencies that are most effective at repelling them differ from animal to animal.
  • The following is a general guide to the most effective frequencies, but in some cases, individual animals may be more sensitive to different frequencies.
  • We suggest you START with the frequencies shown below, and change after 2 weeks if results are not apparent by then.
  • Remember that there is some crossover between frequencies. For example, dogs may be sensitive to setting or setting C, but not usually setting A.
  • A - 38-42 KHz Use against rats, small / young cats, squirrels, rabbits, mink and similar sized pests
  • B - 23-27 KHz Use against larger cats, small dogs and other medium sized animals
  • C - 18-20 KHz Use against large dogs, foxes, badgers, deer and other large animals

Set Operating Mode

  • Check the switch directly below the TEST button. 
  • Select one of the four following options:
  • PIR - Sound activated every time motion is detected within 15 metres in a 60° arc
  • 2 min - Sound activated every 2 minutes for approx 5 seconds
  • 5 min - Sound activated every 5 minutes for approx 5 seconds
  • OFF - Device switched off
  • Blue LED lights when sound is being emitted in operating mode
  • Red LED lights when sound is being emitted in TEST mode
  • When frequency and operating modes have been selected, carefully close the cover, making sure it is completely sealed
  • The product is now set up and operating.


  • Expect to notice a change in animal behaviour within 2 weeks.
  • Usually this change will be a reduction in activity, but there may be a short period when an increase in activity is noticed. This is quite normal.
  • A significant reduction in animal activity (from 50% to 100% reduction) should be apparent within 4 weeks.
  • If there is no change in activity after two weeks, move the product to a different location an / or change the frequency selected.
  • When dealing with animals, it is never possible to give 100& accurate behaviour prediction.
  • Some problems will get resolved very quickly, but others may take longer.
  • Don't expect instant results. Remember there is always the possibility that external factors may make results difficult to achieve.
Customer Questions
How can I ensure that my product doesn’t get stolen.
Thank you for your enquiry Unfortunately the only recommendation we would be able to advise would be to put the product somewhere it cannot be got at easily
Does it have to be charged at all times
Thank you for your enquiry. The Pestclear Outdoor Pest Repeller typically doesn’t need to be charged at all times. For optimal performance, it’s recommended to charge the device fully before first use and then let the solar panel maintain the charge. If there are several days of rain or cloudy weather, you might need to charge it using an adapter.
I need help with the 30 cm extension lead I don’t know how I can find a charging device to connect it to so I can charge it
This product is mains powered only and must be plugged in at all times. It does not have an internal battery that can be recharged.
Please note: only customers that are logged in will be able to post questions
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