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Rentokil Wasp Killer Powder - 150g

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LENEHANS ARKLOW Lenehans Unit A, Kilbride Industrial Estate, , Arklow, Co Wicklow, IE
1 pcs. in stock
Nippon Fly & Wasp Killer 300ml Previous Nippon Fly & Wasp Killer 300ml
  • Wasp Nest Killer Powder can be used for the control of wasp nests in and around the home. Use this product when you can see where the wasps are going in and out (corner of a roof, air vent, under tiles etc) but you can't get access to the nest itself
  • This powder is ideal for use when the wasp nest is not visible. Ensure you are appropriately dressed in hardwearing clothing and puff the dust thoroughly and swiftly into the hole and around the entrance. This should be done in the evening when most of the wasps have returned to the nest. Move away from the treated area as soon as possible
  • Newly-hatched wasps will continue to appear for several days and a second application may be required, particularly in rainy weather
  • This powder is harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment
  • Please do not attempt to eliminate wasps from your home if you suspect you are allergic, we would recommend keeping well clear of the area and consulting a professional
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